Helping you fix your mistakes in English
Try our quiz to find out (Bonus: free lesson included)

Do you know the difference between the vocabulary words below?
Did you understand the differences?
If you didn’t know many of them…DON’T WORRY! Most English learners don’t know how to use them and even many native speakers. I have had thousands of students over the years and in that time I have noticed the same mistakes over and over again with students of all levels. The problem is knowing which word to use when there are so many similar words in English. I call these words “Lingoisms.” These mistakes happen almost everyday to almost all English learners. But the good thing is, these mistakes are very easy to fix. So I decided to create a book and free lessons that would help English learners with these little mistakes they make everyday.
Learn how we can help you fix your mistakes

Vocabulary Lessons
Do you sometimes use the wrong vocabulary word when speaking?
What’s the difference between…
…hear and listen?
…angry and upset?
…hurt, sore, pain and ache?
If you are confused about which word to use when speaking, then our vocabulary lessons will help you.
Grammar Lessons
Do you make grammar mistakes when speaking?
Like mistakes when using the words…
…less and fewer?
…among and between ?
…even if and even though?
If you make a lot of English grammar mistakes likes these, then our grammar lessons will help you.

Finally understand how to fix your most common mistakes
10 of the common topics like work, travel, food and shopping
Over 90 vocabulary and grammar differences explained
Natural conversations to help explain every point to you
Practice activities after each unit to help you remember what you learned
This is a great book for teachers as well. All lessons are prepared and there is a how to guide for how to use the lessons in your classes.