What’s the difference between a condo and an apartment?

Feature image for the difference between apartment and condo
Apartments and a condos are very similar but there are a few big differences. These are very important if you are thinking about living in one. This is what we will be studying in today's lesson.

In today’s lesson we will be looking at what’s the difference between an apartment and a condo. Since apartments and condos are quite different and are suited to different kinds of people, if you are looking to rent a new place this lesson could be important for you.

First let’s look at the definition of each and an example sentence. 

An apartment:

An apartment

An apartment is a type of home in a building of many residences that is owned by a large company.  Everyone who lives in the apartment pays money [rent] to this company to live there.  They often include amenities (services) like free wi-fi, electricity or water whereas condos do not.

ex.  Before renting this apartment we have to meet with the manager of the company who owns this apartment to have an interview before being accepted.

A condo:

A condo

A condo is a type of home in a building of many residences that is usually owed by an individual person.  Also, they often have nicer facilities [places or equipment], like a gym or a pool, than apartments because condos are being sold to buyers unlike apartments which are not. Owners of condos can also rent their homes to others.  Renters of apartments cannot usually do this. 

ex. I have lived in this old apartment for a long time and I would love to move.  I have saved up some money so hopefully I can buy a condo this year. 

What are the advantages of living in an apartment to a condo?

One of the biggest advantages of apartments comes when you have problems.  For example, when something breaks in your apartment like your heater stops working or your dishwasher or fridge breaks, you can get some help right away.  The building manager is often at or lives at the apartment so they can fix it quickly. This is very convenient. 

Also apartments are usually a little cheaper because they are usually a bit older and have less perks or facilities like a gym or pool or meeting rooms etc.

Apartments are usually run by big companies so they are more reliable than an individual owner, especially a new one who doesn’t know much about managing a condo yet.  You will probably get better and quicker service from an apartment. 

However, as apartments are older you may have less security as technology may be a bit outdated [old]. There are generally more break-ins.  This actually happened to me in an apartment and my Nintendo was stolen along with my friends Mario and Luigi…How cruel!  So this is something to think about. 

Also, as apartments are usually older, they are often in areas outside the city or areas that haven’t been connected to popular new transportation hubs [stations with many connections].

Ok, so then what are the advantages of living in a condo to an apartment?

A big advantage of living in a condo is that they are usually newer and have more features like pools, gyms, meeting rooms and sometimes even private movie theatres.…wow, pass the popcorn!  They also have more style with modern day designs.  Forget that shag carpet from the 60’s. 

women sitting in movie theatre seating

There is also just a feeling of higher status [social level] when living in a condo.  Something to brag [talk proudly] about to your friends. 

Condos are also more likely to be located near a station with quick access to the city. 

They are also safer in general.  Because they are newer, all the latest safety features are installed like key fobs on doors and elevators, cameras, and the newest locks and gates. 

However, for all of those features, you are going to being paying more.  Rents for condos can be significantly higher  than those for apartments in similar areas.

Condos are often smaller as condo companies want to put more condos in buildings to make more money from sales.  Apartments in the 90’s had more space because land values were cheaper.

Another big one is being kicked out [forced to leave].  In an apartment, you can be fairly safe in knowing that you can stay as long as you want.  Unless the apartment company decides to tear down [destroy] the building to build a new condo.  However, in a condo, the owner could choose to sell at any time and the new owner my not want to rent the apartment and you will be forced to leave.  This can be one large point of worry.

Hmm...so should you choose to rent an apartment or a condo?

Old Apartments next to new condos

If you are looking to spend less, don’t want to fix anything and don’t care about things like a gym or pool, then an apartment will probably be the best choice.

However, if money is not an issue, you like the status of living in a safe modern condo close to the city with a pool, gym, and you want to invite your friends over for a private showing of your new YouTube video on the big screen, then a condo might be the choice for you. 

Well, I hope that helps you understand what the difference is between an apartment and a condo a little bit more. 

So tell me about you.  Do you live in an apartment or a condo?  What do you like or dislike about it?  Are there different features of each in your country?  Do you have any tips for people looking to rent a new place soon? 

Please leave your comments below.

As always, thanks for reading!

Shaun Munro

Shaun Munro

Shaun Munro has been successful in helping people communicate better in English for almost 20 years.  It has been a long journey, with many successes and many challenges.  Read about his amazing story here.  If you would like to send Shaun a quick message, please visit his contact page here.


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