Top 10 MIstakes Quiz: Want to know the top 10 mistakes English learners make and how to stop making them?Take the quick quiz below to learn today!After the quiz you get a free detailed lesson on each mistake. Good luck…Let’s go! Welcome to the 10 Biggest Mistakes Quiz! Just click "Next" to begin. Scroll down after the quiz to get your free lesson. Good luck! First name and Last name Email You play tennis very _____.goodwell John just got a new _____ so he can save some money.jobwork My boss would like to ______ with me after work today. I'm a little nervous.speaktalk _______ over there, can you ______ the bear?see, watchlook, seewatch, lookwatch, see Even _____ it's raining right now, we still want to play soccer.ifthough Drinking a lot of coffee before bed will _______ how well you sleep at nightaffecteffect I'm going to leave _____ because I need to get to work ______ today to prepare for my meeting.early, soonquickly, earlysoon, quicklysoon, early I don't like living near the airport because I ______ loud airplanes everyday.hearlisten There are ______ people at the party this year than last year.fewerless You need to be at work _____ 9am tomorrow morning.sinceuntilby Optional: What is your biggest challenge in English right now?To help us create better lessons for our students please take 1 minute to answer this question. Time is Up! Did you finish the quiz? Good job! Click the button below to get a detailed explanation and a free lesson on the 10 biggest mistakes English learners make. I hope this helps you start improving your English today! My Free Lesson